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The Peter B. Lewis Library - Princeton University

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Princeton University opened a new Science Library - Peter B. Lewis Library, which combines collections of the Astrophysics, Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences and Math and Physics. The new library opened in the fall of 2008.

As Patricia Gaspari-Bridges the Head of Science and Technology Libraries states the library was designed as a collaborative study space supporting interdisciplinary work in the sciences. The main reason behind the project was the need for additional physical space for faculty as well as for labs and classrooms in each of the science academic departments. The money for the project was donated by Peter B. Lewis who had previously worked with the architect Frank Gehry who was hired for this project. Princeton did not do a "needs assessment" for the project, but decided to work closely with the architect's team, as well as with the with focus groups of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and with the librarians and staff involved.

The result is a library with a bold design that brings together science libraries from across campus in a research and study space. As stated on the library web page a memorable highlight of the tour is the Treehouse, a spacious reading room with study tables, soft seating, and comfortable lighting on the second floor. On the second floor an E-Classroom is located as well where librarians offer instruction sessions and workshops on the specialized software installed on its 20 computers. Through the library number of PCs and Macintoshes are available for public use.

Gallery of pictures


  1. I like that this science library is mixed use with study space, classroom space, and lab space. It means that library has the opportunity to be more in tune to its users and can provide a variety of services to its users.

  2. I like "user-centered spaces."
    By Charlie Dean

  3. Librarians offering instruction sections and workshops to students over the software are terrific. I think that it would be great if the librarians taught a course on how to use the library's resources. This class would be mandatory for incoming freshman. The librarians could set up a test to exempt this course for those who do not need it. This course could be funded with a small fee to student fees. I know college is already costly. I have two sons in college and myself in grad school, but I feel this would better prepare students in their studies.

  4. To: Violeta
    From: Charlie Dean

    The idea of "information commons" is new to me. Each library seems to have its own unique "role" that it plays to link up the individual to information. The common innovative hurdle that all libraries are having to jump these says is getting new furniture to accommodate computers. In spite of computers being scattered around the libraries, too many of them were constructed before laptops existed. Computer friendly study spaces, research spaces, and social spaces cannot come too soon.



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